Sunday, November 3, 2019

The impact of rape on the victims Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The impact of rape on the victims - Essay Example Rape can also be regarded as sexual assault and it can happen to both men and women of different ages. Rapists usually apply force to subdue their victims and it can be seen that rape is all about power where the sexual offender seeks to derive sexual pleasure from another person without his or her consent. To this effect, rape is a criminal offence which negatively impacts on the lives of the victims. Effective measures need to be put in place in order to deal with this cancerous disease in different societies. Research has shown that most sexual offences such as rape are mainly committed by members of the lowest socio-economic classes with a relatively low standard of education. For instance, Robinson (23) suggests that cases of rape are more common especially in poor communities and they often go unreported. This practice is mainly influenced by lack of proper education among the members of the poor communities. The victims are often threatened with death if they report the case t o the law enforcement agents. As a result of this situation, it can be noted that the victims often suffer in silence for fear of their lives if they report the case. It can also be seen that rape is usually committed by the relatives of the victims. ... Robinson (24) also posits to the effect that rape is often committed for ritual purposes. Many people who are infected with HIV/Aids especially in African countries believe that this deadly disease can be treated if they sleep with minors. However, the unfortunate truth is that AIDS is incurable so instead of solving their own problems, they will be creating similar problems on other people. Rape is also committed by people who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol and these people use force in order to have sex with the unwilling victims. In some cases, the victims are also drugged so that they become powerless such that they cannot defend themselves. Men can also be raped by women though this problem is mainly rampant among females. However, some men are often ashamed of reporting such cases for fear of being ridiculed in their respective societies and this is the reason why some of these cases go unreported. Men usually feel inferior if they are raped by women especially tho se who come from patriarchal societies. There are several negative consequences of rape cases among different people who are victims. People who are forced into sex are often traumatized by the horrific experience they go through. For instance, minors often experience psychological problems that will affect their growth and development if they are raped and threatened with death. At the end of the day, these young people often suffer in silence but this affects their normal growth and development. In most cases, children who are victims of rape often behave in a queer manner such that they may perform dismally in their studies at school. If these children are not properly counseled, they may not develop in a normal way. This can in turn impact negatively

Friday, November 1, 2019

Module8(fom) Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Module8(fom) - Dissertation Example Price skimming occurs when the introductory price is relatively high reflecting that the IPad is innovative and there is a degree of â€Å"prestige or status† attached to owning the IPad (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor 2010, p. 336). Assuming that the targeted consumers care about prestige and status, and that the cost of research and development that went into developing the IPad is high, price skimming is useful for meeting the cost of development and the needs of the targeted consumers. It will also ensure that demand for the product will not outweigh supply if supply is relatively low. Penetration pricing however may not be desirable since it assumes that there is a high supply of the product and there is a low demand. This is assumed because penetration pricing is structured around low pricing with the objective of creating market shares for the new product. It is hoped that setting low prices will discourage rivals’ entry into the market (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor 2010, p. 336). This is an undesirable approach to the introduction of a new technologically driven product as the market is filled with these kinds of products and the only way to penetrate the market is to introduce something that is new and better.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Protecting the natural environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Protecting the natural environment - Essay Example Catriona Mortimer aptly states that there should be a balance between Cronon’s wilderness-based environment view and Deluca’s human conservation-based environment concept. The key issue is whether to prioritize preserving or protecting the natural environment or filling the people’s need for wood, animal, and other natural environment needs. In Will Cronon's â€Å"The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature," the author insists that ''only by exploring the middle ground will we learn ways of imaging a better world for all of us†¦ (85).† The quote clearly shows that environmentalism should include caring for both humans and nonhumans. Environmentalism should focus on helping both the poor and the rich, men and women, all individuals (without discrimination). The quote clearly shows that Cronon’s concern for the environment includes preserving the forests, plants, and animals. Further, Will Cronon insists that the natural en vironment includes the presence of freely roaming animals and abundant plant growth by indicating that the romantic legacy defines wilderness as a wonder topic (88). People should not abuse burning or cutting the forest in order to make homes or communities. The garden tree reminds the people that there are other trees living in the far distant natural forest environment. As proof, Cronon (73) insists that Edmund Burke, Immanuel Kant, William Gilpin postulated that sublime landscapes gives one more chances to have a personally commune with God. In addition, Will Cronon(85) emphasizes that humans should preserve the natural environment. Cronon insists without trees, people will no longer be able to have forest camping trips. Cronon defined people as having the selfish interest to destroy the natural environment. Cronon prefers that the forests and national parks should be preserved instead of hiring a jobless resident to cut down the trees. Cronon desires that it is preferable for th e jobless tree cutter resident to be jobless when compared to the cutting of trees. The jobless resident’s life is secondary when compared to the preservation of the natural forest and wildlife environment. In terms of survival, Will Cronon (85) puts the human needs behind the need to preserve our natural forest covers. Cronon (85) goes to state that cutting down trees is described as environmental abuse and irresponsibility. Norton further reiterates that people have a worst impression that people live the comforts of the urban industrial civilization and pretentiously create a beautiful image that the individual’s real home should be in the wilderness, working on a nine-to-five hectic job. Cronon (81) proposes that the defenders of biological diversity balance should appeal others to ensure the untouched virginal ecosystems should be retained at all costs. Consequently, people can retain the beauty and existence of the richest and most abundant animals and plants. Cr onon (69) insists that man’s last cure his too-muchness is the wilderness. The wilderness is an unexplored place where human touch has never infected (touched or encroached).Cronon further states that the wilderness will is the only antidote to the environment-debilitating human disease. Clearly, Cronon persuades that both people and the wilderness must live on equal terms, preserving the plants, animals, and humans. On the other hand, Kevin DeLuca's â€Å"A Wilderness Environmentalism Manifesto: Contesting the Infinite Self-Absorption of Humans† directly criticize Cronon's insistence that people should prioritize saving the forests, plants and animals. Kevin DeLuca opposes Cronon’s belief that the survival of the forest should higher than preservation of human life

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sullivan Ballous Letter to His Wife Before the Battle of Bull Run Essay Example for Free

Sullivan Ballous Letter to His Wife Before the Battle of Bull Run Essay Love of country is not unique to Americans, but in a democracy, sending citizens to war requires far more than a dictators fiat. In 1861, men on both sides of the conflict were willing to lay down their lives for what they believed to be right. Southerners fought for states rights and a society built upon human slavery, which many considered the natural order of the universe. When the war started, few volunteers in the northern army marched off to end slavery, but many were ready to fight and die to preserve the Union. One such soldier was Major Sullivan Ballou of the Second Regiment, Rhode Island Volunteers. Then thirty-two years old, Ballou had overcome his familys poverty to start a promising career as a lawyer. He and his wife Sarah wanted to build a better life for their two boys, Edgar and Willie. An ardent Republican and a devoted supporter of Abraham Lincoln, Ballou had volunteered in the spring of 1861, and on June 19 he and his men had left Providence for Washington, D.C. He wrote the following letter to his wife from a camp just outside the nations capital, and it is at once a passionate love letter as well as a profound meditation on the meaning of the Union. It caught national importance 129 years after he wrote it, when it was read on the widely watched television series, The Civil War, produced by Ken Burns. The beauty of the language as well as the passion of the sentiments touched the popular imagination, and brought home to Americans once again what defense of democracy entailed. Ballou wrote the letter July 14, while awaiting orders that would take him to Manassas, where he and twenty-seven of his men would die one week later at the Battle of Bull Run. LETTER TO HIS WIFE (1861) My very dear Sarah: The indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more. Our movement may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me. Not my will, but thine O God, be done. If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for my country, I am ready. I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in, the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter. I know how strongly American Civilization now leans upon the triumph of the Government, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Revolution. And I am willing perfectly willing to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this Government, and to pay that debt. But, my dear wife, when I know that with my own joys I lay down nearly all of yours, and replace them in this life with cares and sorrows when, after having eaten for long years the bitter fruit of orphanage myself, I must offer it as their only sustenance to my dear little children is it weak or dishonorable, while the banner of my purpose floats calmly and proudly in the breeze, that my unbounded love for you, my darling wife and children, should struggle in fierce, though useless, contest with my love of country? I cannot describe to you my feelings on this calm summer night, when two thousand men are sleeping around me, many of them enjoying the last, perhaps, before that of death and I, suspicious that Death is creeping behind me with his fatal dart, am communing with God, my country, and thee. I have sought most closely and diligently, and often in my breast, for a wrong motive in thus hazarding the happiness of those I loved and I could not find one. A pure love of my country and of the principles I have often advocated before the people and the name of honor that I love more than I fear death have called upon me, and I have obeyed. Sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break; and yet my love of Country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield. The memories of the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me, and I feel most gratified to God and to you that I have enjoyed them so long. And hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years, when God willing, we might still have lived and loved together, and seen our sons grow up to honorable manhood around us. I have, I know, but few and small claims upon Divine Providence, but something whispers to me perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed. If I do not, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I love you, and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name. Forgive my many faults, and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless and foolish I have oftentimes been! How gladly would I wash out with my tears every little spot upon your happiness, and struggle with all the misfortune of this world, to shield you and my children from harm. But I cannot. I must watch you from the spirit land and hover near you, while you buffet the storms with your precious little freight, and wait with sad patience till we meet to part no more. But, O Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you; in the garish day and in the darkest night amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours always, always; and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheek, it shall be my breath; or the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by. Sarah, do not mourn me dead; think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again. As for my little boys, they will grow as I have done, and never know a fathers love and care. Little Willie is too young to remember me long, and my blue-eyed Edgar will keep my frolics with him among the dimmest memories of his childhood. Sarah, I have unlimited confidence in your maternal care and your development of their characters. Tell my two mothers his and hers I call Gods blessing upon them. O Sarah, I wait for you there! Come to me, and lead thither my children.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Moral Development of Huckleberry Finn Essays -- The Adventures of

Huck Finn, a narcissistic and unreliable young boy, slowly morphs into a courteous figure of respect and selflessness. After Pap abducts the young and civilized Huck, Huck descends into his old habits of lies and half-truths. However, upon helping a runaway slave escape, Huck regains morality and a sense of purpose. Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck lies to characters, casting the authenticity of the story into doubt but illustrating Huck’s gradual rejection of lying for himself and a shift towards lying for others. Huck rejects lying early in the novel, a testament to his successful training bestowed upon him by the Widow Douglass and other townspeople. Huck begins the story by lecturing the reader that The Adventures of Tom Sawyer contained lies about him, and that everyone has lied in his or her lives (11). Huck’s admittance of the lies contained in the previous book about him demonstrates his early dedication to truth in the novel. Later, Tom forces Huck to return to the Widow Douglass where he continues learning how to be â€Å"sivilized† (11). When Huck returns, the Widow Douglass teaches him the time when lying is appropriate, improving Huck’s sometimes unreliable moral directions. After Huck spends enough time with the Widow Douglass and her sister, Miss Watson, Huck begins enjoying the routine of his new life (26). Huck, a coarse character prior to the beginning of the novel, enjoys his education more and more, and displays promise for a cultured future. Pri or to the arrival of Pap, Huck sells his money to Judge Thatcher avoiding telling his father a lie (27). Even though his father is an appalling man and an alcoholic, Huck respects him and avoids lying to him by selling Ju... ...e to Miss Watson (224). Huck’s own morals replace the belief society gave him and convince him that turning in Jim would be wrong. As a result, he resolves that he will set Jim free again, and continues helping him. While Huck’s constant lies while narrating the novel makes the authenticity of certain events doubtful, it serves a much greater purpose of allowing the reader to indirectly see the continued improvements and declines of Huck’s moral judgment. At some points, he serves only himself; at other key events in the story, he creates elaborate lies that help others. The moral development of Huck makes itself apparent in the changing lies of Huck, allowing readers to observe the events taking place within Huck’s mind with ease. Work Cited Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Ed. Guy Cardell. New York: Penguin Classics, 2002. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Portfolio of Atlantis Casino Resort

Abstract This portfolio pertains to Atlantis Casino Resort in Reno, Nevada. It discusses the facility mix adopted by the resort. Its unique selling point (USP) is drawn from its excellent customer service, reputation for luxury, and a range of activities it offers for adults, children, and the whole family. The Atlantis partners with transport companies that promote environmental sustainability, specifically those that use advanced technology in transport system. The Miossec model is applied in analysing how the resort might be a focus of destination development. This portfolio identifies problems and challenges faced by the Atlantis, as well as the means through which the resort addresses them Introduction This portfolio is about Atlantis Casino Resort. It provides a discussion of an outline of the facility mix of this resort and whether its facilities have helped in creating a unique selling point (USP). It also tackles the utilisation of sustainable transport alternatives and how the chosen resort has responded to this. Moreover, this portfolio looks at how Atlantis Casino Resort has been a focus of destination development, addressing this point by employing a resort-destination development model, the Miossec Model. Finally, the brief discusses development problems and management challenges identified by the resort and how they are being addressed. An Outline of the Facility Mix of Atlantis Casino Resort Atlantis Casino Resort is a deluxe hotel and casino located in Reno, Nevada. Its facility mix includes approximately 1,000 rooms and Jacuzzi suites, nine operating restaurants, a night club that plays live music, a concierge hotel tower, a spa, a salon, and a family entertainment room. It also offers more than 150 table games and 1,400 slots in its casino (Dallas, 2006). Aside from these, its facility mix includes Las Vegas-type shows and water sports, such as windsurfing. The resort has a tropical theme that complements its excellent customer service, apart from its reputation for luxury. It has a 14-acre waterscape that serves as its centerpiece with grottos, lagoons, and other attractions. What is unique about its facilities is this combination of adult, children, and family activities, which other casino resorts nearby do not offer (Kraus, 2007). These facilities have helped the Atlantis in creating a unique selling point (USP). USP refers to an understanding of the products or services’ uniqueness from that of the competitors (King, Kerr, Jefferies, et al, 2005). In the case of the Atlantis, such USP can be initially seen in the combination of deluxe hotel and casino, as well as its other unique features described above. It would not be common for a casino to also have a complex resort system and other facilities that the Atlantis offers, making the entire business case to cater to various ages, including adults and children. The Atlantis has hence captured these target markets in its product offering. The casino and the night club are certainly places for older people, whilst the family entertainment centre, the waterscapes, and the water sports are for children and the whole family. This would mean that a family who wants to stay in a place that offers a range of activities would choose to come to the Atlantis over some others because of its unique features. It is worth-mentioning why resorts like the Atlantis need a unique selling point. This is because the USP serves as the reason why one’s product differs from everyone else’s, which draws customers toward the resort, thereby selecting it over all the others. According to King et al. (2005), USP can be as simple as offering the friendliest welcome or the easiest booking system. In the case of the Atlantis, its unique selling points are its reputation for luxury, excellent customer service, and various product offerings, as mentioned above. Moreover, why a resort needs a USP is because it serves as a clear benefit for the resort, whereby it enables the clients to be willing to pay to satisfy their needs (King et al., 2005). An important point to consider in line with the above heading is the idea that repositioning – or changing the current position of a certain business – can take place because of various circumstances, such as the emergence of a new competitor. This is seen in an example where conference venues in some UK resorts failed to continue to fulfill the needs of customers due to lack of maintenance and product enhancement (Davidson and Rogers, 2007). In the case of the Atlantis, it may be analysed that how it has responded to the use of sustainable transport alternatives has contributed to the resort’s reputation for excellent customer service. Problems and Challenges The problems that the resort faces are the unavailability of seasonal employees during peak season and lack of job security, which is a big concern amongst employees (Glass Door, 2014). The challenges include how it can attract visitors for its family-oriented activities during lean season and increase its revenues from these activities during this period (Glass Door, 2014). How Atlantis Casino Resort Has Responded to the Use of Sustainable Transport Alternatives In terms of the use of sustainable transportation alternatives, the Atlantis Casino Resort uses transport vehicles with latest technology and low carbon emission to protect the environment (Atlas Choice, 2014) in order to accrue with its existing sustainability policy. Encouraging its employees and visitors to use public transportation will contribute to reduction in automobile pollution, a green option for transport utilisation. The Atlantis partners with green transport companies that use the latest technology for environmental friendliness. This is in accordance with the resort’s green ethos and carbon footprint (Atlas Choice, 2014). Since the Atlantis safeguards its reputation for excellent customer service, its transport service is free, fast, and convenient, and guests do not have to wait a long queue in order to enjoy the service, (Airport Shuttles, 2014), neither do they have to be bothered by carbon emissions that can be exhumed by its vehicles. This is because the resort adopts the latest non-carbon emission technology in its transport system (Atlas Choice, 2014). The transport alternative system used by the Atlantis may be viewed as sustainable because of the environmental friendliness it offers. How the Resort Might be a Focus of Destination Development This section discusses the means through which Atlantis Casino resort might be a focus of destination development, using a resort destination development model – the Miossec model. First to consider is the fact that Atlantis Casino Hotel might be a focus of destination development since it is located in a region (Reno, Nevada) with many other resorts that offer more or less similar services. Examples of these are the Aquarius Casino Resort, the Avi Resort and Casino, and the Downstream Casino Resort, which are all a combination of casino and resort. Hence, the reason for the Atlantis to be a focus of destination development is the fact that it competes with others for similar markets and must identify a suitable market positioning based on its relative strengths (e.g. Murphy, 2008). According to the Miossec model, the development of a resort area in a peripheral location starts from its initial establishment towards being a composite hierarchical tourism area in terms of historical dimensions (Krakover and Gradus, 2002). This model may be considered the most logical geographical description of destination development as it depicts a progression of such destination from its infancy through maturity (Gunn, 2014). Along with the stages of development, the reaction of prospective and actual tourists on one hand, and transportation developments on the other, are two separate aspects. The Miossec model depicts the parallel development taking place in the Atlantis Casino Resort, transportation, and number of customers. Hence, this model impliedly assumes a direct relationship amongst the growing number of attractions, transportation improvements, and increasing customer demand in the Atlantis (Krakover and Gradus, 2002). The model in fact focuses on the spatial and te mporal development of destination in relation to physical change. It identifies the interaction of four major elements influencing the resort’s destination development: (1) â€Å"the characteristics of the destination; (2) tourist behaviour; (3) mode of transportation; and (4) attitudes of residents and decision-makers† (Latkova, 2008, p. 19). Taking the Miossec model, Atlantis Casino Resort has gone through minimal developments in its initial phase. During the second phase, it went through a development as a pioneer resort in its area. In the third phase, it presented noticeable changes through which there has been expansion of a system of resorts (where the Atlantis is part) to serve an increasing number of tourists, and where residents either accept or reject the presence of such tourism development. The last stage has seen further development of the area (Latkova, 2008). Since the Atlantis is already an established luxury hotel resort in Reno, the Moissec model of destination development is relevant, particularly in this fourth stage. In terms of where the Atlantis Casino Resort would be positioned in the Moissec model, such positioning is in its destination characteristics (being a casino resort that also features family-oriented activities), analysis of tourist behaviour, considerations for an alternative transport system, and the way it takes into account the attitudes of decision-makers, such as the local government with whom it partners for environment-related matters (e.g. Latkova, 2008). In order to be different from all the others and strengthen its USP as described earlier, Atlantis could pursue the development of a visitor attraction that harmonises with its adjoining environment, such as an aquarium park that can showcase the destination and add to the number of customer activities. It could also ‘adopt’ an adjacent natural attraction and take steps to ensure it can be adequately maintained, for example, by sourcing outside funding. Here, one can see the attitudes of decision-makers being considered and applied to the development, which is the model’s key element influencing the destination development (e.g. Latkova, 2008). It has been noted that the value creation of resorts does not match that of Porter’s value chain configuration due to the non-sequential operational process embodied in a resort destination (Murphy, 2008). Hence, the destination development that Atlantis Casino Resort shall pursue does not adopt Porter’s principle but a ‘value fan,’ (Murphy, 2008) which considers a site and individual focus for its destination activities, sustained by administrative functions that are tasked to aid the entire destination. In order to assimilate the value fan into the resort’s strategic management approach, the resort must manage its tourism product mix configuration (Murphy, 2008), where the right blend of products are being developed to fulfill customer expectations and thereby create the best value prospects for them. In the Atlantis’ destination development pursuit, it is necessary to address some major principles, such as ensuring the purpose of every development item; designing for people; satisfying both functional and aesthetic aspects of the development; establishing substantial and appropriate experiences; fulfilling technical requirements; and meeting customer needs for the lowest possible cost, to mention a few (Murphy, 2008). Development Problems and Management Challenges The identified development problems for Atlantis Casino Resort are the following: (1) a possible lack of balance/leverage between financial costs and revenue from the development (Vogel, 2012); and (2) lack of sufficient knowledge and skills of existing employees for new areas of development, i.e. the aquarium park that features exhibition shows inside the aquarium, which require skillful staff (Robinson, Luck, and Smith, 2013). The Atlantis addresses the first problem by conducting a financial feasibility study, which can situate the new development within measurable and realisable goals without incurring costs that exceed the returns. For the second problem, this is tackled by providing training to staff to match the requirements of the new developments (e.g. Zainai, Radzi, Hashim et al., 2012). The management is challenged by the presence of various hotel resorts within the same area where it is located, which offer similar activities to visitors. It is therefore faced with the task of differentiating its range of product offering and activities, but is further delimited by the nature of the business, where the Porter’s value chain principle is not applicable (e.g. Murphy, 2008). This is addressed by conducting an effective marketing strategy that features the resort’s uniqueness and leverage. The Atlantis is also challenged by the need to identify excellent programmes and product schemes for the lowest price possible (Murphy, 2008). This will be addressed by doing a financial study to ensure revenue despite the lower cost offering. Conclusion This brief provides a discussion of the facility mix offered by Atlantis Casino Resort; how it responded to the utilisation of sustainable transport alternatives; how it might be a focus of destination development; and development problems and management challenges thus identified. The Atlantis is a complex facility mixing hotel and casino, with a reputation for luxury and customer service. These aspects have contributed to its USP. The resort has responded to the use of sustainable transport alternatives by partnering with environmentally friendly transport companies. The Miossec model is used to explain how the Atlantis might be a focus of destination development. This model states that there is a parallel development occurring in the resort, the transportation, and the number of customers. Development problems include a potential lack of balance/leverage between financial costs and revenue; and lack of sufficient knowledge and skills of existing employees for the new development. The Atlantis is also challenged by the presence of casino resorts within its area that offer similar services, as well as the identification of excellent programmes and product schemes for the lowest price possible. References Airport Shuttles (2014) Concierge Tower at Atlantis Casino Resort Spa. Retrieved on April 23, 2014 from Atlas Choice (2014) Reno Atlantis Casino Hotel. Retrieved on April 25, 2014 from Dallas, J. (2006) Casino Shrine. FL: Kai Dee Marketing. Davidson, R. and Rogers, T. (2007) Marketing Destinations and Venues for Conferences, Conventions and Business Events. UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. Glass Door (2014) Atlantis Casino Resort Spa. Retrieved on May 5, 2014 from Gunn, C. A. (2014) Vacationscape: Developing Tourist Areas. London: Routledge. King, B. (1997) Creating Island Resorts. London: Routledge. King, C., Kerr, A., Jefferies, M., and Brombley, D. (2005) Travel and Tourism. Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers. Krakover, S. and Gradus, Y. (2002) Tourism in Frontier Areas. England: Lexington Books. Kraus, N. P. (Ed.) (2007) Frommer’s USA. NJ: Wiley Publishing. Latkova, P. (2008) An Examination of Factors Predicting Residents; Support For Tourism Development. Ann Arbor: ProQuest LLC. Murphy, P. (2008) The Business of Resort Management. London: Elsevier Ltd. Robinson, P., Luck, M., and Smith, S. (2013) Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI International. Vogel, H. L. (2012) Travel Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis. NY: Cambridge University Press. Zainai, A., Radzi, R., Hashim, R., Chik, C. T., and Abu, R. (2012) Current Issues in Hospitality and Tourism: Research and Innovations. UK: Taylor & Francis Group.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analytical Support for Decision Making Self Reflection Essay

The analytical support for decision making course is really indeed touching every aspect from my daily job as a lead optimization engineer dealing with a huge drilling real time streaming data. In the past I have worked to prepare quarter review & annual report for our center. Honestly, it was consuming a lot of time to construct a valuable presentation that will impress the upper management. As of time being ASDM is a strong aid to be creative in utilizing, analyzing, projecting & illustrating for our daily data. Here I will highlight major subjects that I got so many benefits from: Data Gathering ASDM is a real guide to perform data analysis. It learns the first steps in how to gather data & how to deal with it. The good part in the assignment is the data was real and taken from World Bank website and the challenge is to identify the best data & find out ways to get the missing data by quantitative approaches. The lesson learned here is any data has to go through cleansing process to be worth for analysis & to reach trustful results. Surveys As we are seeing many surveys floating around in every single website or newspapers in the media, the real question is how trustful the results are. Now with ASDM approaches, it is easier to now that, to dig deep in the survey process. How the survey was done, whom were the sample, location and the time it was conducted. In addition to the right guide in how to do different types surveys & analyze the results for best decisions. Regression As regression deals with trends to find out the relationship level & criteria & help a lot in projection. In my daily work I’m dealing with many drilling trends, like the drilling rig hook load (HKL), surface torque while performing the drilling operation. My job is to identify the strong relationship between many drilling parameters & do a projection. Like for HKL & torque utilizing regression to find out the regression model in a specific formation will help us in identifying the normal / upnoraml trends prior drilling operation for better optimization & savings. In addition the regression will help a lot in the projection ahead to the final drilling target depth. MCDA Multi criteria decision analysis is the decision maker best tool to identify & take in consideration all the factors with relative to their weights & influence in the subject matter. Real life is chain of continuous MCDA has to be taken but differs in size & complication. Although, VISA software is a simple & light, it is superior software to include every single step & illustrate it with a nice & simple way. Personally we are running many projects that take in consideration several factors & MCDA is the best guide came at the right time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to write a case study for a bid - Emphasis

How to write a case study for a bid How to write a case study for a bid Most of a bid is dedicated to projecting the future – how you will help your prospect if youre chosen to work with them. In contrast, a case study lets you base your argument on something more concrete – what youve proven you can do in the past. And few things establish your reputation more effectively than reliable, relevant information about your past actions. Think of a boxer being announced with the record of their previous matches. An introduction like 38 wins, ten by knockout leaves a big impression in very little time. But to make a case study as persuasive as possible, you cant just describe what you did. You need to show off your organisations strengths and achievements in a way that will resonate with your prospect. This article will show you how. How to begin writing a case study The best way to get started is to get your research and planning done before you begin. Itll make the writing process much more straightforward. Getting relevant information about your previous client is key. If youre not client facing yourself, its a good idea to talk to someone who is (eg someone in sales or account management). Ask them why the previous client liked the work you did. If they liked it, theres a good chance it will resonate with your new prospect, too (as long as youve picked a suitably similar organisation for your case study). Your client-facing colleagues should also have access to the relevant facts and figures that illustrate the benefits of the work. Basic information to include Make sure to give your case study a specific title, such as Training 100 people in technical writing at HP. This immediately gives your readers an idea of what youve done before, even if they dont go on to read the rest of the case study. After the title, give basic information such as the name of the contract, whom it was for, what it delivered, its value and when you did the work. (You can set this out as a list.) And if youre using the case study as a reference – as some PQQs (pre-qualification questionnaires) require – then include some contact details for the previous client. (Obviously always ask permission of your previous client before you name them as a referee.) Giving your case study a logical structure There are lots of ways of structuring a case study. And, of course, if youre writing to a short word count, or to a particular bid or tender template, youll have to adapt to that. That said, a common and logical structure is to explain how you helped a client, step by step (if youre a regular reader, you may notice this is similar to the best structure for executive summaries). Begin with a short, factual background. Dont put too much detail here. You just need to make sure your prospect understands the basics of what you were doing. Include information like whom you worked for, and what the contract was for. Outlining the problems Then you can talk about any particular challenges or problems that your previous client had. This is where you can really emphasise the similarities between your previous client and your current prospect. With the problems sketched out, youre well placed to talk about the actions you took to solve those problems. Many case studies fall down at this point, because they become just a description of facts. But to make your case study stand out, you need to show what benefits your work had for your previous client. Remember to spell out these benefits. Did your previous client become more efficient because of your work? If so, how much time did they save? Or were you able to make them more profitable? If so, how much more profitable and over what amount of time? Which benefits you need to detail will depend on the sector and the kind of work youre doing. But the main thing to keep in mind is that you do need to highlight the benefits of your work and provide good evidence to support them. Finally, there are some other things you can include to make your case study really stand out. A good testimonial quote from your previous client can make your case study seem much more authentic (again, ask permission to use this). You can also consider using a particularly compelling graphic or image if it illustrates a key benefit of your work with your previous client. Things to avoid Try to avoid writing case studies at the last minute. It can take time to put all the relevant information together – and that may not be time you have when youre actively writing to a deadline. Be careful as well about putting in too much irrelevant detail (this is all too common). Youve got to ask why your prospect would care about whatever it is youre telling them. Do they really need to know when you first responded to the ITT or RFP? Or how many of your staff worked on part of the project? When you have detail youre sure will be relevant to your prospect, use it. Avoid being vague. Dont write general statements like, We dramatically improved conversion rate on PPC campaigns and boosted sales. Instead say, We increased conversion rate on PPC campaigns by 50 per cent – while reducing the overall ad spend by 10 per cent. This resulted in over  £10,000 in net profit for our client. (You may also want to highlight these key benefits by setting them out in bullet points.) Showing your strengths Above all, remember that the person reading the case study is trying to find evidence that youre the best organisation for the job. Make it as easy as possible for them to do this. If you keep the reader in mind throughout your writing, youll be much more likely to write a case study that resonates with them. And that could be the extra nudge you need to win them over. If youd like to improve your own case studies – and the proposal they accompany – have a look at our bid, tender and sales proposal writing courses for teams and for individuals. Image credit: ArtFamily / Shutterstock

Monday, October 21, 2019

the eve problem essays

the eve problem essays The Eve problem is not hard to understand or see, nor is it complicated in determining why there became a problem. Eve was told specifically not to eat from one particular tree, which was in the midst of the garden. It was the tree of knowledge, which would allow her to know good from evil, and to open her eyes. No one was supposed to eat from it, for god had told them to stay clear of it. The problem came when the serpent convinced Eve into taking from the tree and eating. The serpent told her that the only reason god did not want them to eat from it, was because if they did, then their eyes would open and they would know good from evil, and would be gods themselves. Therefore, under the words of the serpent, Eve took a piece of fruit from the tree, one for Adam as well, and ate it. Then she gave it to Adam and he ate it. Once they ate the fruit, they realized that they were naked, and when god came to speak to them, Adam told him that he had hid from god, for he was afraid and naked. That is when good knew that they had eaten from the tree, for they would not have known that otherwise. God had to punish them for eating from this tree that he said not to. Both the Serpent and Adam were punished, but the Eve problem has to do with the punishment that was passed down to her, and all women for that matter. God told eve that she was going to have to bear children, which is a painful process. He also said that Eves desire, also pertaining to women as a whole, would be to there husbands and that he shall rule over thee. The issue of child bearing is not really the major issue; it is more so the idea that the women's husband will rule over her. There are three types of believes when it comes to this piece of writing, and the meaning behind it. There are people who take a fundamental view, who believe that god wrote the Old Testament, and gave it to man as a g ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Is Rhinocort OTC Different From Prescription Strength

Is Rhinocort OTC Different From Prescription Strength SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Rhinocort is a popular allergy medication, and it’s gone through several changes recently, which may leave you with some questions. Do you need a prescription to get Rhinocort, or is Rhinocort over the counter? Are there differences between prescription Rhinocort and Rhinocort OTC? How do you use Rhinocort? What should you know before taking it? Read on to get answers to all your Rhinocort questions. What Is Rhinocort? Rhinocort (also known as Rhinocort Aqua) is a nasal spray for people who suffer from allergies. The active ingredient in Rhinocort nasal spray is budesonide, which is a corticosteroid that helps prevent the release of chemicals that cause inflammation in the body. Rhinocort can help with both seasonal and year-round allergy symptoms such as a runny/stuffy nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and a scratchy throat. There are versions of Rhinocort for both adults and children, and they should both provide about 24 hours of relief from allergy symptoms each time they are used. Can You Get Rhinocort Nasal Spray Over the Counter? Fortunately, you don’t need a prescription from your doctor to use Rhinocort; you can now get Rhinocort OTC. Rhinocort nasal spray used to only be available with a prescription, but in 2015 the FDA approved a version of Rhinocort for over-the-counter use. The OTC version of Rhinocort is technically known as Rhinocort Allergy, but it has the same active ingredients and strength as the prescription version of Rhinocort. The FDA tested Rhinocort OTC extensively to make sure it is just as effective as the prescription version was. Now that Rhinocort Allergy is available OTC, brand-name Rhinocort is no longer available with a prescription. However, you can still get generic budesonide nasal spray with a prescription (the generic version isn’t available over-the-counter). Since Rhinocort is now available over-the-counter, it’s also much easier to get it since you can just stop by a nearby store without needing to see a doctor to get a prescription first. However, OTC Rhinocort may now be more expensive now than it was when you needed a prescription, especially if you have good health insurance with low prescription deductibles. A bottle of Rhinocort OTC (with 120 sprays) will usually cost between $15 and $25. So, if your deductible for prescriptions was, say $10, you'll actually be paying more for Rhinocort now that it's over the counter Rhinocort Allergy is the third steroid nasal spray to go from being prescription-only to being available over-the-counter. The other two are Nasacort Allergy and Flonase Allergy Relief. Common Rhinocort Side Effects and Drug Interactions Rhinocort OTC is generally safe to take, but there are some important side effects and drug interactions you should be aware of. Talk to your doctor if you experience any serious side effects or if you’re taking a drug Rhinocort has a history of interacting with. More Common Rhinocort Side Effects Bloody nose Dry or sore throat Fever Cough Difficulty swallowing Tightness in chest In rare cases, Rhinocort can cause a serious allergic reaction. Contact your doctor or 911 immediately if your face/tongue/lips begin to swell or you have trouble breathing or swallowing. Rhinocort Nasal Spray Interactions Below are three of the most common interactions Rhinocort OTC can have with other medications. If you’re taking any of these, talk to your doctor before taking Rhinocort. Corticosteroids: Taking corticosteroids with Rhinocort can cause your corticosteroid medication to become ineffective and/or cause your body to not process the corticosteroid properly. This can cause the corticosteroid to build up to dangerous levels in your body. Dexamethasone: If you are taking dexamethasone (another anti-inflammatory drug) with lopinavir or telaprevir, Rhinocort can cause levels of lopinavir and telaprevir in your body to drop, making the dexamethasone drug not work as well. Radioactive iodide: Rhinocort can interact with radioactive iodide (usually taken for thyroid problems or thyroid cancer) and cause it to be less effective. You should also talk to your doctor before using Rhinocort if you’re pregnant, nursing, have eye problems such as glaucoma or cataracts, have a weakened immune system, and/or have recently had nose surgery or a nose infection. How Should You Take Rhinocort? Below are all the steps you need to take to use Rhinocort nasal spray properly. You can also find most of this information on the side of each Rhinocort OTC bottle. Before using Rhinocort, blow your nose and gently shake the bottle. Then, remove the plastic cap on the bottle, and close one nostril by pressing it with your finger. Tilt your head forward slightly, and insert the tip of the Rhinocort OTC bottle into your open nostril (keep the bottle upright). Push down on the pump once or twice depending on how many sprays of Rhinocort you want. Most people begin with one spray per nostril and increase it to two if they need a higher dose. After spraying, remove the applicator tip from your nostril and tilt your head back for several seconds for the spray to reach the back of your nose. Repeat with your other nostril. After you’re finished using Rhinocort nasal spray, wipe the applicator and replace the cap. Don’t blow your nose for at least 15 minutes after using Rhinocort. Conclusion: Rhinocort OTC Rhinocort is a nasal spray used by people who suffer from seasonal and year-round allergies. It helps reduce inflammation in the body which can prevent symptoms like a runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion. Is Rhinocort over the counter? You used to only be able to get Rhinocort with a prescription, but in 2015, the FDA changed its regulations so that Rhinocort is now available over the counter. Rhinocort OTC has the same ingredients and effectiveness as the prescription version of Rhinocort. Rhinocort is generally safe to use, but it can have side effects such as a bloody nose, sore throat, and fever. To take Rhinocort, insert the applicator into one nostril, spray it one to two times, and repeat with the other nostril. Don’t blow your nose for at least 15 minutes after using Rhinocort.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Arguments of Definition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arguments of Definition - Assignment Example Yes. I was honestly surprised about that piece of information from the talk. I have always made an assumption that whatever information I was searching for online and the results I got as a result would be available exactly what anyone else searching would get as well. This is the reason the talk was not only important but provided revealing information that shocked me. This information about the filter bubble should be passed around to as many people as possible so that they can be keen on the search results they get from the first search and compare it to results of other searches as well. I was worried over Pariser’s information that the content being released in the internet is tailored which is very inconveniencing. If one can be searching for a particular topic and each and every piece of information about it but ends up getting the wrong information, irrelevant information as well as misplaced information, then one will start to really not trust the internet at all. It is supposed to not only connect people but keep them abreast at all times of everything taking place around the world. As a result of the filter bubbles, this reality is being taken away from the users. Privacy indeed matters as very few people would like to be seen at their weakest or most vulnerable moments. This is the reason according to Greenwald (2014) that most people as explained by the speaker prefer doing stuff in private than in the public eye. They lack the courage to be criticized or people to change their point of view about them hence the reason they hide in private. People should respect the privacy and not brand people as bad or good for it. Having taken the same experiment taken by Pariser’s student, I was shocked to realize that it is true. I tried it several times taking different screen shots and the results were still different each and every time. The most shocking of all research was the fact

Friday, October 18, 2019

Using examples, describe and critically assess how key decisions Essay

Using examples, describe and critically assess how key decisions relating to international strategic activity may be influenced by cognitive bias - Essay Example However, to influence international customers to purchase goods or services from foreign nation needs a well-developed marketing strategy to access them as a way to generate new growth. For example, since a business management cannot employ salespeople globally, it has to use modern communication means as a way to access foreign customers via internet. The literate level on internet use by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of a nation influences the ability to communicate with customers in international markets to generate sales. Internet offers sellers and buyers an opportunity to interact internationally via business-established websites and e-mail in business activities easing business transactions of goods and services internationally at a low cost an over a long period compared to employing salespeople globally. Prominent customers can be obtained via the influence of online advertisements on the product offered by different businesses globally hence easy to create new market internationally(Aaker 238-241). Moreover, an international business strategy on market penetration can be influenced by the ability of a business firm to conduct market research to identify its weakness and strength and concentrate on strengthening its weaknesses. However, cognitive ability of a business firm internationallyplays an important role on the success of market research. Market research helps to determine the pace and race in the growth of international market. For example, language barrier adversely affects communication and poor communication affects a business ability to influence customers to purchase their products. Therefore, the ability of a business firm to access the market field and come up with problems leading to poor performance in the international market and how to solve these problems depends on the knowledge, skills and

Personal Hazard Plan Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personal Hazard Plan - Research Proposal Example However, while just reading will not automatically force you to form new habits, knowledge of practical safety tips, if applied, could save you much pain, even your very life. Surely, you do not need to burn your fingers on the stove to establish that the stove is hot. Through the pain and suffering of thousands at the hands of that rough teacher Experience, safety rules have been established. As for the author of this paper, clumsiness may not at all be an issue, however considering that he needs to attend to several activities in different areas everyday, it could be noted that he is then not free from meeting accidents along the way. Hence, within the discussion that follows, it could be observed that personal hazard plans needs to be established to assure that the author would be well prepared in handling possible accidents that may occur. However, to be able to create a plan that would be most effective for the author's safety, it is first important to know how safety rules are created based from the historical reports pertaining to the development of the said process of safety preparation. Possible dangers: since it is a university, it is expected to be established with high buildings with either stairs or elevators as means of manual or automatic transport around the area. For this reason, it is necessary that the author be able to understand how to deal with certain natural occurrences such as earthquakes. Safety Measures to Consider: It is advised that when in school, there is a need to keep safe at all times. When a slight shock of earthquake happens, it is important to take immediate cover. Follow the different escape areas, to do so, knowing the map of the building for the different exists around the area is indeed essential. (b) Second is Qualcomm Stadium- Chargers Stadium (address is: 9449 Friars Rd, San Diego, CA 92108). Possible dangers: Since the area is a wide-open space, only huge natural hazards could be expected to happen, such as storm and earthquake. With these occurrences happening in the middle of highly populated occasion, it is important for one to be ready for an exit from the area. Safety Measures to Consider: When in a crowded area, be sure to situated in a location where it is easy to exit from the place in case of any emergency situations occurring. It could be noted that through this approach to the situation, one could assure himself that he would be able to get out at once and avoid any possible stampede just incase emergencies happen during an event. (c) home( address is: 3939 Georgia Street, San Diego, CA 92103). Possible dangers: Even though the home seems to be the safest place for everyone. However, even though this is the case it is still important to handle safety effectively even within one's own house. Safety Measures to Consider: The house itself should be safe from falling out with simple shocks of low-end earthquakes. It should also be prepared for possible thunderstorms. Exit points should always be ready when emergencies occur. (d) work(address is: 7170 Miramar Rd, San Diego, CA 92121). Possible dangers: At work, technical and natural dangers should be well expected and prepared for. It is through this that one is protected from the possible occurrences that would break in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Can the World Still Feed Itself Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Can the World Still Feed Itself - Assignment Example those comprised in Europe, regarding enhancing agricultural production for the purpose to augmenting energy sources would eventually take its toll in terms of providing an imbalance in food supply. Likewise, there was also reference to preferences for organic food, abhorrence to GMOs, and relentless indifference to potentially endangering water sources to oblivion. At the onset, one could initially be swayed by the assertions of Brabeck-Letmathe given his credentials and authoritativeness on the subject matter. In the capacity of Nestle’s chairman, he should have the competencies to be holistically equipped with relevant information, updates, and future trends pertaining to food production, the global organization’s thrust, he apparently leads. As such, through the same capacity, he could likewise possess latent bias, in terms of opposing the use of these nations’ alleged pursuance of increasing agricultural production for the objective of augmenting energy sources, instead of being ultimately serving the food needs of the global population. By diverting the purpose, most of the agricultural harvests would be earmarked for energy sources, rather than being considered inputs for his global organization. His fear of apparent raises in food prices should not therefore stem from overabundance in agricultural production, which should supposedly drive the prices down and not up. Likewise, there could be a tinge of ironic tone as exemplified in his arguments that other food alternatives (organic food and GMOs) seem to further imply cuts from the market shares of Nestle, in general, as the food giant in manufacturing, processing, canning, preserving and stocking supermarket shelves. In this regard, one deduces that although there could be points that could be considered valid; such as the continued increase in food prices; but the factors contributory to these increases are varied and not limited to the supposedly diversion to produce biofuel. One has had the

Assignment 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Assignment 4 - Essay Example The general taking in conclusion of our drawing activity is that separated from looking into their own particular pictures of pioneers and initiative, learners comprehend that their certain authority speculations have a singular and social segment that others could possibly impart. Taking into account the hypothetical underpinnings of implied initiative hypotheses sketched out, a key conclusion of showing verifiable authority speculations is that understudies see there might be no general substantial truth to what successful or "great" administration is, and that it depends all the more on singular, social, and social developments than on the attributes and practices of the pioneer thusly. Understanding this idea includes to begin with, getting a feeling of ones certain administration hypotheses; second, seeing how and why we discern pioneers in a particular. Amidst the aftermath of the Great Recession and current political gridlock in Washington, the need for seeing how to lead in times of emergency is more excellent than any other time. Heading under Pressure offers accommodating schema and a far reaching audit of research that develops our understanding of compelling emergency administration techniques and strategies. Emergency administration is recognized from the general area of authority. Their meaning of emergency initiative is excessively prohibitive in its concentrate on "the firm" frustrating its requisition to government pioneers who are distressful in need of bits of knowledge. Qualitatively, they recognize an "emergency" from a routine "issue" as a focal contention for why emergency authority is special. Probably, pioneers take care of routine issues, yet emergency pioneers intention emergencies (Hayes & Perry, 2010). The aspect of leading under pressure is evidenced by the cutting loose the dirty dozen case study 3 whereby, Marisa Munson who is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Can the World Still Feed Itself Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Can the World Still Feed Itself - Assignment Example those comprised in Europe, regarding enhancing agricultural production for the purpose to augmenting energy sources would eventually take its toll in terms of providing an imbalance in food supply. Likewise, there was also reference to preferences for organic food, abhorrence to GMOs, and relentless indifference to potentially endangering water sources to oblivion. At the onset, one could initially be swayed by the assertions of Brabeck-Letmathe given his credentials and authoritativeness on the subject matter. In the capacity of Nestle’s chairman, he should have the competencies to be holistically equipped with relevant information, updates, and future trends pertaining to food production, the global organization’s thrust, he apparently leads. As such, through the same capacity, he could likewise possess latent bias, in terms of opposing the use of these nations’ alleged pursuance of increasing agricultural production for the objective of augmenting energy sources, instead of being ultimately serving the food needs of the global population. By diverting the purpose, most of the agricultural harvests would be earmarked for energy sources, rather than being considered inputs for his global organization. His fear of apparent raises in food prices should not therefore stem from overabundance in agricultural production, which should supposedly drive the prices down and not up. Likewise, there could be a tinge of ironic tone as exemplified in his arguments that other food alternatives (organic food and GMOs) seem to further imply cuts from the market shares of Nestle, in general, as the food giant in manufacturing, processing, canning, preserving and stocking supermarket shelves. In this regard, one deduces that although there could be points that could be considered valid; such as the continued increase in food prices; but the factors contributory to these increases are varied and not limited to the supposedly diversion to produce biofuel. One has had the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 37

Questions - Essay Example What surprises me most about the godly woman of Proverbs 31 is her trading skill. The woman’s ability to exchange goods in the market at a bargain and profit is incredible considering her responsibilities required domestic attention and skills. The woman was able to maintain a genuine sensitivity and show empathy in situations that would otherwise be stressful for other people. It is surprising that the woman realizes the needs of people who are less privileged while still catering to her own needs. What surprises me most about Songs of Solomon is that the Shulammite woman kept her virginity and purity for Solomon whom she honestly looked forward to be her future husband. This devotion moves Solomon to use words of high praise for being a pure woman. Solomon wrote Songs of Solomon from both man and woman’s perspectives. Evidently, the book contains many symbols of masculine and feminine natures that reflect relationships for those married in the true

Monday, October 14, 2019

Case Study Chloe’s Story Essay Example for Free

Case Study Chloe’s Story Essay The serous membrane in Chloe’s abdomen contains the peritoneum. The peritoneum is the largest serous membrane of the body which includes the greater omentum, the largest peritoneal fold, which drapes over the transverse colon and the coils of the small intestine, and contains a considerable amount of adipose tissue. Involuntary contraction of pharyngeal stage is the beginning stage of swallowing it begins with the passage of water into the oropharynx. When water enters the esophagus the esophageal stage begin where peristalsis occurs with coordinated contractions and relaxation of muscles to propel water into the stomach. With the bypass of the duodenum, Chyme cannot not periodically be forced through the pyloric sphincter in gastric emptying. The proteins will have difficulty being easily broken down into smaller molecules in the chemical digestion of proteins. By the enzyme Lipase. Rapid or major weight loss increases a persons risk of developing gallstones. These meals should be high in protein. Because A change in diet, no longer consuming high fatty and high cholesterol foods. Yes. Nutritional deficiencies, like most iron and calcium is absorbed in the duodenum, the first part of the intestine that is bypassed by these operations. Calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis , and iron deficiency can cause anemia. Many vitamins and minerals are absorbed in the part of the small intestine bypassed by this surgery. The individual must commit to a lifetime of taking nutritional supplements to prevent serious vitamin and mineral deficiencies. A large number of microvilli in the small intestines greatly increases the surface area of the plasma membrane, larger amounts of digested nutrients can diffuse into absorptive cells. Most digestion and absorption occurs in the small intestine. Vitamin B12 must be combined with intrinsic factors produced by the stomach for its absorption by active transport in the ileum. Because it can or may be manifested as a variety of symptoms since B12 is widely used in the body. Severe fatigue may occur initially. Effects on the nervous system can be wide-ranging, and include weakness, numbness and tingling of the limbs, memory loss, confusion, delusion, poor balance and reflexes, hearing difficulties, and even dementia. Severe deficiency may appear similar to multiple sclerosis. Nausea and diarrhea are possible gastrointestinal signs. The anemia that results from prolonged deficiency may also be seen as a pallor especially in mucous membranes such as the gums and the lining of the inner surface of the eye. Megaloblastic anemia is a common result of inadequate B12. This condition can also result if a person stops secreting enough intrinsic factor in the stomach, a substance essential.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

History Of Gender Inequality In Movies Film Studies Essay

History Of Gender Inequality In Movies Film Studies Essay The classic Hitchcockian woman remains a staple image of glamorous femininity within Western culture a depiction of femininity which has survived various waves of feminism, Betty Friedans condemnation of The Feminine Mystique (1963) and Naomi Wolfs revelation of The Beauty Myth (1991). Despite these attempts to eradicate such depictions of constructed womanhood, the Hitchcock blonde seems to remain forever in vogue, consistently seeing a resurgence within visual media, both in the cinema and within fashion editorials and advertising. The fact remains that this version of Woman remains steadfast within the culture conscious, upheld as the pinnacle of class, elegance and demure femininity. The dominating and controlling powers of the existing patriarchal culture system has created, promoted and perpetuated the idea of this previously discussed idyllic femininity. Despite the suggested modern progressions in gender equality, inevitably, it must be understood that this version of passive femininity is glamorised simply as it promotes a more manageable version of woman for masculinity. It seems ludicrous; however, that passive femininity is so thoroughly promoted within modern visual culture, openly focusing upon aesthetics which characterise the Hitchcock Blonde, while seemingly choosing to forgo the consideration of what these iconic representations actually communicate. There is a consistent re-emergence of this sort of glamorisation within fashion and advertising (Fig. 1 4), serving only as a constant re-communication of its desirability, seemingly ignoring the fact that this also glamorises the kind of ideology expressed in these films as well as the style. In essen ce, these images of woman, promoted in contemporary times, seems extremely regressive, as all they can inevitably communicate is an era of woman that is constantly depicted as dominated by man while plagued by the feminine mystique, ultimately demoralised and trapped within their domesticity. A time when, as Friedan discusses, women were defined only in sexual relation to men mans wife, sex object, mother, housewife and never as persons defining themselves by their own actions in society. In the twenty first century, however, there exists a general consensus that this kind of gender inequality is a thing of the past, truly a problem for a long forgotten era. Yet, the reality remains that while progress has certainly been made towards a more positive outlook for femininity under patriarchy, progress has been severely overestimated by the media, allowing the facade of equality and demonstrative exhibitions of gender equality in the work place to permit this belief in substantial developments. For example, while women may now have a more substantial position within the workforce, the fact remains that behind the headline figures of near equality of participation, there remain major differences in the employment conditions and pay of women and men, ultimately highlighting the remnants of this deep seated belief in a gender hierarchy, of passivity and dominance. While there may exist this facade of equality, seemingly functioning in order to placate society, the ideology which creates this unequal environment remains in action. This lack of evident progression within media representation seems to highlight what many third wave feminists or post feminism movements have expressed that this lack of significant results is the cause for a decrease in the optimism and idealism which seemed to characterise the feminist movements of the 1970s. Far from seeing this as perhaps position for the current state of feminism, it could be argued to, instead, be a positive progression. Judith Stacey, interviewing the second-wave feminists and their daughters, found that this new generation of feminism did not want to continue the trend of anger and political protests. An opinion which seems to be the current assessment, as the observations of Alice Rossi, through her studies of the feminist movement over the past hundred years, reveals the desire to see a ch ange in how feminist values are acted out. This seems to suggest that movement towards a more post feminist approach to equality, combined with a more postmodern approach to media representations seems to be the way in which progression can be made. A dramatic reorganisation of a representational system would certainly be both too radical and inconceivable, but adhering to more postmodern ideas surrounding complicity would perhaps provide more progressive results. Linda Hutcheon, literary theorist and postmodernist, believes that the combination of both complicity with dominant representational strategies and critique is what characteristically defines a work as postmodern. Essentially suggesting that the process of working within the cinema system, utilising the existing codes and conventions which have been responsible for publicising and perpetuating this image of passive femininity, yet producing work which suggests the possibility for a re-evaluation of the ruling ideology. The use of a more postmodern approach to progression is certainly more appealing, reinforced by the ways in which Hutcheon discusses how: contemporary artists engage with the systems of the media and the market with strategies of subversive complicity, by which she means the ability to operate within dominate codes of representation while at the same time questioning them. Considering this in the context of a more progressive cinema system, postmodernism would function by utilising the position as an insider, operating many usual codes and conventions, yet ultimately working to de-toxify existing cultural conventions, the givens that go without saying' within narrative, mainstream cinema. Presenting the possibility of providing the feminist cause with a way in which to resist or alter oppressive ideologies from within the system which has been responsible for creating them.  While not all postmodern work may utilise this process of subversion through complicity, there is certainly an argument for its use in the cause of progressing equality within cinema narratives for women. Perhaps the best example of such subversion within cinema lays with the work of director David Lynch. Fittingly, his Hitchcockian influence is obvious with his obvious addressal of of film noir aesthetics as well as with his implimation of HITCHOCKIAN THEMES SUCH AS VOEYIRSM, PSYCHOLOGY HIS INTENTIONS ARE OBVIOUSLT ALWAYS TO SUBVERT THE DOMINANT ORDER OF CINEMA   While he may not specifically have such aims, the work of Lynch can be argued to showcase a possible development towards a more agreeable cinematic depictions or messages which differ from the dominant order. While Lynch may adhere to many typical conventions of cinema (often passive women, voyeurism, dominance, violence etc) women are not alone in their degradation within Lynchs narratives. Postmodernism? while not all postmodern work may utilise this theory or complicity in order to create change, there is certainly an argument for the success of such an approach. Such an approach seems useful for the cause of feminism, allowing cinema, to not be utterly deconstructed and reconstructed, but instead, merely subverted. Perhaps one of the most notable examples of this kind of subversion is the work of David Lynch. His work complies to the general rules of cinema, presenting Typical cinematic depictions? Women and men? Narrative? But at the same time, causing spectators to witness a narrative which subverts what mainstream cinema has caused them to expect. Considering this idea of postmodernism within cinema, the discussion of director David Lynch is extremely useful. Primarily considered a surrealist and significantly influenced by Hitchcockian film noir motifs and visual styles, Lynchs narratives adhere to many cinematic conventions, yet subverts the usual message which audiences have come to expect through constant exposure to mainstream cinema. There, for instance, exists a notable lack of the blot which characterises Hitchcocks work, as Lynch instead practices what Zizek refers to a as extraneation: the decomposition of reality in such a way as to expose the fantasy and real elements that constitute it. Essentially, lynch utlisies cinemas abibilty for creating fantasies and entertainment, yet seems to utilise it in a way which creates an unnerving effect. This extraneation presenting fiction, while causing us to consider the reality that formed it. However, it is precisely in this way, Zizek argues, that Lynch achieves what he calls the ridiculous sublime. On the one hand we have the flimsy, absurd symbolic; and next to it we find the real, abominable Thing. In a way quite different from Hitchcock, yet with a certain kinship with him, Lynch has exposed the mechanism of sublimation without altogether dispensing with it. Against the ideology of psychologically convincing characters, Zizek favors Lynchs extraneation of the characters, the effects of which are strangely de-realized or de-psychologised persons. There is a method to Lynchs madness, so to speak. The psychological unity of the characters disintegrates into a spiritual transubstantiation of common cliches, as Zizek calls it here, and into outbursts of the brutal Real, with reality and its fantasmatic supplement acting side by side, as though existing on the same surface. Ultimately, Zizeks reading of Lynch, and by extension Lynchs fim itself, is profoundly political. Their common method is the opposite of obscurantism or pastiche of arcane topics. Both in their own way provide proof that our à ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã†â€™fantasies support our sense of reality, and that this is in turn a defence against the Real. Together with their sublime thought, both Lynch and Zizek are profoundly entertaining through their ridiculous art.Pg.6 Firstly, Zizeks observation that extraneation in Lynchs work has a magic redemptive quality is ecvhoed in Jungs theory of consciousness and unconscious: Only in an interplay of consciousness and the unconscious can the unconscious prove its value, and perhaps even show a way to overcome the melancholy of the void. If the unconscious, once in action, is left to itself, there is a risk that its contents will become overpowering or will manifest their negative, destructive side (Jaffe. Pg.297) This interplay can be directly observed in the style of all three films, especially where the distinction between dreamlike but real images and dreams as fantasy images are blurred. Pg22 We Live Inside a Dream: The Function and Origins of Dreams in David Lynchs Blue Velvet, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me and Lost Highway

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Comparison of Creon of Antigone and Jason of Medea Essay -- comparis

A Comparison of Creon of Antigone and Jason of Medea   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both of these two male characters are not title roles. They both fall prey to the actions of a woman, one whom they both originally thought they had complete control over. Antigone's martyrdom and conflict with the State brings Creon's destruction and Medea's double murder and infanticide brings his destruction. However, how much is this brought about through their own weakness and how much can we attribute this to a cruel fate? The issue is essentially whether a stronger person than Jason or Antigone could have avoided the destruction, and were they crushed by their own internal weakness ('hamartia'). An important to clarify is that we are not judging their personality. A despot can be a strong character and a man of high morals can be a weak character. The deciding factor is how rigidly they cling to their ideals and their ability to listen to others sensibly.    The gods cause Creon's destruction, acting in a just and logical way to the blasphemous deeds he committed. His destruction is very much in his own hands, despite the many warnings he receives from advisors such as Tiresias ("you have no business with the dead"), Haemon ("I see my father offending justice - wrong") and the Chorus ("could this possibly the work of the gods?" "good advice, Creon, take it now, you must"). He drives head long into it, ignoring those who counsel him. His inability to listen to others is very critical to his downfall, as we see in his rebukes to the Sentry for example ("Still talking? You talk too much!").   This is a fundamental weakness within his character. His stubbornness, as Tiresias, "brands you for stupidity". What appears in Creon's own eyes to be stern control ove... ...ennsylvania State University:USA Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989. Segal, Charles Paul. "Sophocles' Praise of Man and the Conflicts of the Antigone." In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Sophocles. Antigone. Translated by R. C. Jebb. The Internet Classic Archive. no pag. "Sophocles" In Literature of the Western World, edited by Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. Woodard, Thomas. Introduction. In Sophocles: A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Thomas Woodard. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Zissos, Professor.   Classical Myth Lecture Notes.   July 20, 2001.   <>.

Friday, October 11, 2019

American Political Theory

The Jacksonian Period is usually associated with Andrew Jackson. Basically Jackson followed in what Thomas Jefferson already started. The Jacksonian era valued the rights of common man. The democracy in this particular era endorsed the power of the executive branch as well as that of the president’s. It also allowed a broad range of public involvement in the government. Thus during these times different rights were respected such as women’s rights, economic rights for factories and the like.Thus, the Jacksonian era showed more concern on common man and thus they did not see them merely as a tool or as a means towards some ends as can be seen nowadays. Nowadays the same kind of values and beliefs are slowly dissolving. Usually the Bush government treats their subjects simply as means to achieve his goals. He is more concerned on profits rather than on man himself. This is basically present on the act on immigration that he supports, the S.1348 wherein he gives false hope s to immigrants and giving prime importance to profit rather than on the immigrants themselves. Another aspect which could be found is the 5-4 vote pattern. During the election the pattern five is to four is very dominant. There are still 175,000 ballots that were not yet counted and still they already proclaimed Bush as the winner. 5 associates of the US Supreme Court interfered with the manual count in Florida.These five are Justices Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas, O'Connor, and Kennedy. These five conservatives are also responsible for some violations of human rights such as banning of abortion even though the mother’s and the fetus life are in danger, rejecting appeals from prisoners and the like. Thus in this regard we could see how very undemocratic our government had become as compared from the Jacksonian era. The decisions on votes and other rights are no longer decided by the common people.Those in power are very manipulative taking their own interests first more than tha t of the public’s. Liberty and equality is basically no longer on the people’s hands rather it was on the hands of the select few. Thus dealing with terms like liberty and equality are rather difficult especially if they fall on deaf ears as could be seen on the 5-4 voting patterns. (Toobin). References: Doherty, Kieran. Andrew Jackson : America's 7th President. New York: Children's Press, 2003. Toobin, Jeffrey. â€Å"Five to Four. † The New Yorker 2007.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Cyber Crime Research Paper Essay

Can anyone who uses a computer be a victim to cybercrime? Yes, anyone who uses a computer has a chance of being a victim of cybercrime. Cybercrime has become a big issue in today’s society. Cybercrime is defined as crimes committed on the internet using a computer as either a tool or a targeted victim(Razali). Cybercrime can be committed by many people like computer geeks looking for bragging rights to businesses trying to gain an upper hand in the marketplace by hacking competitor websites, Rings of criminals wanting to steal your personal information and sell it on black markets, or spies and terrorists looking to rob our nation of vital information or to launch cyber strikes(Computer Intrusions). Cybercrime can be used many ways.The two main cause of cybercrime are identity theft and internet stalking. Cybercrime is very bad and and can hurt many people physically and mentally, people need to be more aware of the ways to get around cybercrime. Identity theft is one of the m ain cause of cybercrime. Identity theft, also know as ID theft is a crime in which a criminal obtains key pieces of personal information, such as social security numbers or driver’s license numbers, to pose as someone else(Razali). There are many kinds of identity theft. There is Criminal identity theft(posing as another person when apprehended for a crime), Financial Identity theft(using anothers identity to obtain credit, goods and services), Identity cloning(using anothers information to assume his or her identity in daily life),Medical identity theft(using anothers identity to obtain medical care or drugs), and Child identity theft(Wikipedia). Many people out in the worlds try to steal peoples wallets, phone, purses and other belongings in plain site or while you are away from your belongings, But what are people trying to steal from you on the internet. Identity thefts on the internet can be stealing many of things. They can be taking bank accounts, credit card numbers, or anything else that is someones personal information. Identity theft is bad and shouldn’t be committed. There are many ways of obtaining this information. People will rummage through rubbish for personal information(dumpster diving), Retrieve personal data from redundant IT equipment and storage media including PCs,servers,PDAs, mobile phones, USB memory sticks and hard drives that have been disposed of carelessly. They are many more ways to also do this. Identity theft is bad because it can cause many people harm. The victims of identity theft can suffer from adverse consequences if they are held responsible for the perpetrators actions(Wikipedia). They could be sent to jail, prison or if it is really that bad they could die over identity theft. If you were associated in takeover identity theft, than the imposter just used stolen information to gain access to the persons existing accounts(Razali). If you were associated in true name identity theft then the imposter used personal information to open new accounts( Razali). The imposter might open a new credit card account, phone account, etc. Some may however say that Identity theft is good, and they would be right. Identity theft is good for the government, police and FBI. They could use identity theft to catch a imposter causing a lot of harm. They could use it to take down another country that is doing ours harm. They could even make themselves look like a identity theft to see what other are planning. This could help stop it and save many people lives, money, homes, families and mainly their identities. Cyberstalking in the second biggest cause of internet crime. Cyberstalking is the use of internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group, or an organization(Wikipedia). A number of key factors are in cyberstalking: False accusations, Attempts to gather information about victim, monitoring their targets online activities, encouraging others to harass the victim, false victimization, attacks on data and equipment, ordering goods and services, and arranging to meet. It is so easy to accomplish cyberstalking with all of the social media sites today like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc. There are many types of cyberstalking. There is Stalking by strangers which means the cyberstalker could be a stranger or someone who has had a former/present relationship with the victim. There is Gender based stalking which is harassment and stalking based on the victims gender.

The Breathing Process

The first step in the breathing process starts with the brain. The brain sends a message to the diaphragm, telling it to move. The diaphragm is a large dome shaped muscle that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and attaches to the ribs at the sides and the sternum in the front of the body. When the brain tells the diaphragm to move, it flattens out, enlarging the thorax of the body, the ribs, and the chest. When the chest expands, it pulls on the lungs, causing a drop in pressure in the lungs compared to the pressure of the atmosphere and air is sucked into the lungs to balance the pressures. There are many muscles used in the process of inhalation. The diaphragm is the most important. The external intercostals are on the outside of the ribs, and extend from rib to rib, in between. These muscles help to pull the lower ribs up when the chest is rising to take air into the lungs. The levatores costorum are small muscles that extend from the vertebrae to the ribs. They also aid in lifting the ribs upward. The serratus posterior superior extend down and out from the vertebrae to the upper ribs in the back. These muscles also help raise the chest. The pectoralis major is the upper chest muscle that fans out from the humerus and inserts into the sternum and the clavicle. The pectoralis minor extends from the scapula and inserts into the second through fifth ribs. This muscle is also fan shaped and helps to raise the ribs. The lattissimus dorsi (or â€Å"latts†) is the large muscle on the back extending from the lower vertebrae to the hip bone and from the ribs to the upper arm. This muscle helps to expand the lower part of the thorax. The sternocleidomastoid extends from the skull to the sternum and clavicle. It helps to pull the chest upward. The last muscle important in the act of inhaling is the scalenes, This muscle extends from the neck to the first and second ribs and helps to pull the chest upward. Exhalation: The act of exhaling is pretty much the exact reverse of inhaling. The diaphragm relaxes and goes back into its dome-like shape. The ribs, chest, and thorax lower and return to their natural position. Gravity also plays a part in lowering the chest, ribs, and thorax. The lungs, elastic air passages, and chest wall recoil, and exhalation occurs. There are also many muscles that are involved with the process of exhaling. The abdominals are the primary muscles of exhalation. They pull in a down and out motion, helping to lower the chest and contract the diaphragm and other muscles. The internal intercostals are on the inside of the ribs and extend between them. They help to pull the ribs downward and inward. The subcostals are also on the inside of the ribs and extend upward and outward from the lower rib to the higher rib. These muscles also help to pull the ribs inward. The serratus posterior inferior extend up and out from the vertebrae to the four lower ribs and these muscles pull the ribs downward. The quadratus lumborum extends from the lowest rib to the hip bone and anchors the lowest rib from pull from the diaphragm. Finally, the transversis thoracis extends upward and outward from the lower part of the sternum and inserts into the second through sixth ribs. This muscle helps to pull the chest downward. Singing:  It is important in singing to have strong muscles and to use the muscles in a correct way to achieve the maximum potential of the air flow and of the voice. There are three types of respiration: Quiet respiration, forced respiration, and subglottal pressure. Quiet respiration is involuntary breathing. It is the type of breathing that occurs at any restful state and there is very little exchange of air. Forced respiration is voluntary breathing. It is used in yelling, loud talking, and singing. It requires active use of both the inhalation and exhalation muscles and there is a large amount of air exchanged within the lungs. Subglottal pressure is probably the most important in singing. It is the overpressure of air in the lungs, created by forced respiration. There is forced airflow against partially closed vocal folds. This type of respiration allows the singer to control airflow and have a constant sound. Using correct breath control and muscle control will allow a singer to achieve constant intensity and sound in their voice.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The influence of Fast food on life-span in Japan Research Paper

The influence of Fast food on life-span in Japan - Research Paper Example The above issues are analyzed in current paper; effort has been made in order to present the various aspects of the relationship between the long life span of Japanese and their eating behavior especially regarding their trend to avoid fast food. At the next level, the potential use of the specific eating behavior on the life-span of other populations worldwide is evaluated, aiming to answer the following question: would the avoidance of fast food – as an eating behavior adopted by Japanese – could help people worldwide to increase their life span – as this trend has contributed in the long life-span of Japanese? In order to understand the potential relationship between the avoidance of fast food and the long life span as observed in Japan, it would be necessary to present the common effects of fast food of health – as highlighted in the literature focusing on the specific subject. Then the trends of Japanese regarding fast food will be identified and evaluated showing the potential relationship of the specific eating behavior and the long life span. In this way, it will be possible to understand the potential value of the avoidance of fast food for health, a practice that could be suggested to people with different social and cultural characteristics who are likely to eat fast food, especially as a result of their style of life. The term ‘fast food’ is used in order to indicate food of the following characteristics: ‘a) either the food which can be prepared and served quickly or b) the food designed for ready availability, use or consumption’ (Merriam Webster, 2011). Fast food has a series of advantages, which is the reason for the expansion of this type of food in countries worldwide; at a first level, the access to the particular type of food is easy – referring to the fact that the number of restaurants providing the specific type of food is extremely high. Moreover, the cost of fast food is low, a significant advantage of this type of food; in fact, the low cost of fast food – compared to other types of food – is one of its key reasons for its popularity among people of low income – who cannot afford other types of food. Another advantage of fast food is the limited time required for its preparation; as the term itself declares, fast food can be prep ared quite quickly helping consumers to save time for their various activities. Despite its advantages, fast food has been proved to have a series of negative effects. In fact, the research over the health problems related to fast food has proved that the specific type of food can have severe health implications, leading to various health problems either in the short or the long term (Health Food Guide 2011). The most usual negative effect of fast food is the obesity; other damages that the fast food causes on health are the following ones: ‘heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and even cancer’ (Health Food Guide 2011). Most commonly, the effects of fast food on health cannot be identified early; usually, it is after a severe problem of health, as a result of consuming fast food for a long period of time, that the dangers of the specific types of food are considered and evaluated. The specific issue can be identified in the article of Martindale (2011 ) where reference is made to the case of a ‘victim’ of fast food, a 56-year old woman who has suffered severe problems of health because of her eating practices – referring specifically to fast food. The particular woman has sued the most known fast food chains in her city – Wendy’s, McDonalds, Burger King and KFC – considering that the food served in these restaurants has been the cause for her health problems

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Comparing Emerson and Thoreau Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Comparing Emerson and Thoreau - Essay Example consistency [which] is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines† (Emerson) and independence which is free from any unwarranted neediness that enables one to appreciate existence better as articulated by Thoreau. Emerson begun the transcendentalist thought by urging people to seek solitude to be attuned with their own self. Emerson urges to be your own genius, that is, â€Å"to believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men† and not to fall prey to the coercion of society to conform, which according to Emerson is the â€Å"hobgoblin of little minds† that conspires against the manhood of every one of its members (Emerson, ___). This can be accomplished by freeing oneself from living a â€Å"simple lifestyle† that is devoid from the trappings which the society impose. For Thoreau in his Economy book Walden, he clearly defined simplicity as by reducing his desire. Thus, in his Walden Pond experiment, he embarked on his social experiment that would give him a clearer insight about life and appreciate the experience of existence better through a grounded living. To paraphrase Thoreau in his intent to live in the woods of Concored; "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms". In essence, Thoreau argued that by living simply, he was able to â€Å"suck out all the marrow of life† because he is able to appreciate it more in the