Friday, October 18, 2019

Personal Hazard Plan Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personal Hazard Plan - Research Proposal Example However, while just reading will not automatically force you to form new habits, knowledge of practical safety tips, if applied, could save you much pain, even your very life. Surely, you do not need to burn your fingers on the stove to establish that the stove is hot. Through the pain and suffering of thousands at the hands of that rough teacher Experience, safety rules have been established. As for the author of this paper, clumsiness may not at all be an issue, however considering that he needs to attend to several activities in different areas everyday, it could be noted that he is then not free from meeting accidents along the way. Hence, within the discussion that follows, it could be observed that personal hazard plans needs to be established to assure that the author would be well prepared in handling possible accidents that may occur. However, to be able to create a plan that would be most effective for the author's safety, it is first important to know how safety rules are created based from the historical reports pertaining to the development of the said process of safety preparation. Possible dangers: since it is a university, it is expected to be established with high buildings with either stairs or elevators as means of manual or automatic transport around the area. For this reason, it is necessary that the author be able to understand how to deal with certain natural occurrences such as earthquakes. Safety Measures to Consider: It is advised that when in school, there is a need to keep safe at all times. When a slight shock of earthquake happens, it is important to take immediate cover. Follow the different escape areas, to do so, knowing the map of the building for the different exists around the area is indeed essential. (b) Second is Qualcomm Stadium- Chargers Stadium (address is: 9449 Friars Rd, San Diego, CA 92108). Possible dangers: Since the area is a wide-open space, only huge natural hazards could be expected to happen, such as storm and earthquake. With these occurrences happening in the middle of highly populated occasion, it is important for one to be ready for an exit from the area. Safety Measures to Consider: When in a crowded area, be sure to situated in a location where it is easy to exit from the place in case of any emergency situations occurring. It could be noted that through this approach to the situation, one could assure himself that he would be able to get out at once and avoid any possible stampede just incase emergencies happen during an event. (c) home( address is: 3939 Georgia Street, San Diego, CA 92103). Possible dangers: Even though the home seems to be the safest place for everyone. However, even though this is the case it is still important to handle safety effectively even within one's own house. Safety Measures to Consider: The house itself should be safe from falling out with simple shocks of low-end earthquakes. It should also be prepared for possible thunderstorms. Exit points should always be ready when emergencies occur. (d) work(address is: 7170 Miramar Rd, San Diego, CA 92121). Possible dangers: At work, technical and natural dangers should be well expected and prepared for. It is through this that one is protected from the possible occurrences that would break in

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